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Global food production needs to increase significantly by 2050 to meet the demands of a growing population. In order to do this, the food and agricultural industry must continue to innovate. While the U.S. historically has been a global leader in public funding for agricultural research, support has been stagnant in recent years – putting us at risk of falling behind major global competitors including China.

The benefits of public funding for agricultural research are significant. A recent study in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics showed that agricultural research has one of the highest returns of any public investment, estimated at $17 to every $1 spent. While private-sector research has been hugely beneficial for large crop and livestock markets, public-sector support is crucial to innovate in under-explored areas – including research to protect animal health, specialty crops, and food safety. Farm Journal Foundation supports increased public investment in agricultural research, so that our entire food system can remain productive and resilient for generations to come.

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Our Work on Agricultural Innovation

Farm Journal Foundation works to advance agricultural innovations through a range of thought leadership, education, and advocacy efforts. Some examples of this work include:

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