Hunger and malnutrition are complex global challenges that can create a whole host of negative consequences for human health, economies, national security, and the environment. Today, 1 out of every 10 people on the planet is contending with hunger, according to the United Nations. Malnutrition, or the lack of access to healthy, nutritious foods, contributes to nearly half of all deaths globally in children under age 5. Unfortunately, after decades of progress, the number of hungry and malnourished people around the world is trending higher.
While the world faces big challenges, there are many solutions to help alleviate global hunger and malnutrition. Importantly, most of the world’s hungry people are smallholder farmers who have disproportionately low crop yields. Increasing support for agricultural research and development (R&D) and expanding access to innovations for smallholders could enable farmers to increase their production and ultimately fight hunger and malnutrition. Farm Journal Foundation advocates for U.S. leadership on global food security initiatives – helping to create solutions through American scientific and farming know-how.

Our Work on Food & Nutrition Security
Farm Journal Foundation works to improve global food and nutrition security through a range of thought leadership, education, and policy engagement efforts. Some examples of this work include: